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"There is a new technology founded in Agriculture Industry called Nano Ganesh. It is a device that uses the mobile phone to control over the irrigation pumps in the lands and fields. In remote locations, the farmers use to walk a long way to switch on their irrigation pumps for watering crops as the electricity is available on the limited time. Now the difficult is eliminated by this device Nano Ganesh. One can easily operate the device and control the irrigation pumps to make it switch on/off."[1]​



Hydroponic Garden

Have you ever thought that growing vegetable without soil...! No tension too much or too little water,or no panic     for  fertilizer needs,when to fertilize,or labour  for cultivating , weeding , to provide light soil consisting and texture.How much space to give each plant ,crisis  for  food and water etc.

​                                     So, Hydroponic gardens are introduced .There are lots of advantages of growing plants HYDROPONICALLY.

                                           Hydroponic gardens produce the crop with yield and  are consistently reliable. Gardening is clean and efficient and require VERY LITTLE EFFORTS



​BT Brinjal

"The Bt brinjal is a suite of transgenic brinjals (also known as an eggplant or aubergine) created by inserting a crystal protein gene (Cry1Ac) from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into the genome of various brinjal cultivars. The insertion of the gene, along with other genetic elements like promoters, terminators and an antibiotic resistance marker gene into the brinjal plant is accomplished using Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. The Bt brinjal has been developed to give resistance against lepidopteron insects, in particular the Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer (Leucinodes orbonalis)(FSB)."[3]​

Inga All​ey Cropping

Inga Alley Cropping is the growing of crops

between rows of Inga trees. It is sustainable as they maintain fertility of soil by using slash and burns shifting cultivation on the same plot.


"Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation,

                                                       but the only riches she can call her own."

-Samuel Johnson

"Integrated fish farming is a system of producing fish in combination with other agricultural/livestock farming operations centered around the fish pond. The farming sub-systems e.g. fish, crop and livestock are linked to each other in such a way that the byproducts/wastes from one sub-system become the valuable inputs to another sub-system and thus ensures total utilization of land and water resources of the farm resulting in maximum and diversified farm output with minimum financial and labour costs."[6]​

Monoculture & Polyculture

In the modern agriculture industry  Monoculture is

widely used for growing single crop or species over a huge area and large number of consecutive years its tool implements has allowed for large harvest from minimal labour. If the accounting for the labour required is limited to the number of workers employed on the farms. In  Monoculture, LESS LABOUR AND OUTPUT IS HIGH.


Like as Monoculture we use single crop or species over a large area .In POLYCULTURE multiple crops are used for growing species . It avoid large stand of single crop. Polyculture includes CROP ROTATION, MULTICROPPONG, INTER CROPPING, COMPANION CROPPING


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